Schachter Energy Report

Eye on Energy: October 23
Schachter's Eye on Energy

Large US Inventory Build And Weaker Consumption Pull WTI Down Over US$1/b On The Day.

Our 2024 ‘Catch The Energy’ conference held at Mount Royal University last Saturday was an overwhelming success and our best yet. We had record individual investor attendance and many of the presenter rooms were at capacity. Thank you to our Energy Minister, The Honorable Brian Jean for his opening remarks and for his participation in the LNG panel at the end of this remarkable day. We thank our Presenters and Sponsors who make the event even better each year. Please save Saturday October 18, 2025 for our next ‘Catch The Energy’ conference. A PDF of my opening ‘Energy Super Cycle – BUY The Dips’ will be sent out to all SER subscribers by Thursday. If you would like access to this report as well as PDF’s of the company presentations go to our website to subscribe to our full SER product offering. To learn more click here.

We had the opening of the TSX stock exchange as part of TMX’s support of our conference. Watch below:

I will be away next week so our next Eye on Energy will be published on Wednesday November 7, 2024.

Global Economic, Political & Military Update

With less than two weeks left until the US elections the US stock market is gyrating and looks heavy to me. It is fighting the uncertainty of two different visions for America going forward and US interest rates have been climbing on the fears of inflation reigniting and debt crowding (too much borrowing for the US budget deficit and corporate and individual needs). The US 10-year Treasury yield has risen 17.5% in just over a month, or from 3.60% to 4.23%. This has lifted mortgage costs and slowed home buying. The US Dollar liked the yield strength and has risen 4.5% over the last few weeks to 104.4 versus 99.87 in late September.

This morning the Bank of Canada lowered its key borrowing rate by 50 BP, following the move by the US Fed. The Governor in his comments mentioned that further rate cuts were likely as inflation has reached their 2% target and the economy has slowed down. The Canadian Dollar has retreated to US$0.7214 from US$0.7440 at the beginning of October. 

Some of the interesting economic and market data points over the last week are:

  • US Retail Sales lifted by 0.5% on a core basis in September. 
  • Industrial Production in the US fell in September due to the two disastrous hurricanes and the Boeing strike. 
  • US Bank and Investment firms reported strong profits as Investment Banking was stronger than expected and net interest margins expanded.
  • The Conference Board Leading Economic Index fell 0.5% in September following a 0.3%  decline in August. 
  • Earnings and guidance from the consumer side of the economy were weaker. Today Lululemon and Starbucks are down on these consumer spending concerns.
  • Cash on the sidelines by professional money managers is at 3.9% the lowest level since the tech bubble peak in 2000. The effort to perform has required money managers to be fully invested and in the small number of momentum stocks. 
  • China stocks continue to retreat after the stimulus rally as the government actions are perceived as insufficient to stabilize the economy. The real estate loan problem remains to be tackled. 

North Korea, in support of Russia, has deployed over 1,500 special forces combat soldiers alongside Russian troops in the Donetsk region to help Russia target Ukraine with North Korean built ballistic missiles. More ammunition is flowing into the area by North Korea as the alliance with Russia expands. In addition, over 10,000 North Korean troops are in eastern Russia (Russia’s Republic of Buryatia) training to incorporate Russian command and control communications so that they can be deployed in the battle efforts by Russia in Ukraine. A report today says this growing relationship will now include North Korea sending fighter pilots to Russia to be trained on Russian equipment. The report says over 500 officers and three generals were part of this new support. In return North Korea is gaining financial support and nuclear technology. 

This has the US and NATO very worried as this would give Russia an edge to regain the offensive initiative when the spring battle season commences in early 2025. Ukraine has announced that they have killed or captured ethnic Indians, Nepalese and North Koreans (18 captured on October 21st) in recent battles. 

Israel has killed the mastermind of the October 2023 massacre, Der Yahya Sinwar and then his successor as they continue to degrade Hezbollah. Iran is next in their sights but the US has  pressured Israel not to attack their energy or nuclear facilities. Targets are focused on military assets of the IRGC. In preparation for the Iran move, Israel has staged some tanks on the Syrian  border to ensure Syria’s President Assad does not join Iran in its war with Israel. 

The Fed’ s next meeting is on November 6-7, and is expected to have a cut of only 25 BP due to recent overall healthy data. 

Regarding energy, our 2H/24 WTI price target of US$66-69/b was reached once and is likely to do so again. When we got the first decline it triggered a BUY signal and we sent out an SER Action BUY Alert on September 10th of five companies from our Coverage List. We also reiterated BUYS on three names already on the Recommended List which had fallen to bargain levels. We expect a period of backing and filling for WTI crude in the coming weeks and another test of the recent lows (US$66-68/b). If this occurs we should see another BUY signal triggered. We plan to add additional BUY ideas at that time. Subscribers please watch your emails on weak market days as this is when such an Action Alert would be issued. Many of the ideas currently on our SER BUY List presented at the 2024 ‘Catch The Energy’ Conference. 

If you want to see what our subscribers are looking at, sign up now for access to the Schachter Energy Research reports at

Today WTI is at US$70.56/b. WTI crude should retreat towards US$66-US$68/b once again providing the next  great buying opportunity for energy investors. It could occur in  the next few weeks or during tax loss selling season between mid-November into mid-December.  

Our SER issue feature called ‘TOP PICKS NOW’ highlights the best ideas at the time of each SER report. Not all stocks rise and peak at the same time nor do they bottom at the same time. If you want to see what our subscribers are looking at, sign up now for access to the Schachter Energy Research reports.

EIA Weekly Oil Data:


The EIA data released today was a bearish report for oil. US Total Stocks rose 6.7 Mb, with Commercial Stocks rising 5.5 Mb. The SPR continued to grow and was up 0.8 MB on the week and by 33.4 Mb above last year. Refinery processing rose 1.8% to 89.5% and is up from 85.6% seen last year. Motor gasoline inventories rose 0.9 Mb. Distillate fuels saw a decline of 1.1 Mb. Total Stocks including the SPR are now 25.66 Mb above last year. At 1,643 Mb US SPR storage is at a staggering 708 days of Net Imports. Cushing inventories fell 300 Kb to 24.7 Mb compared to 21.2 Mb in 2023.  

US Crude production remained at a record of 13.5 Mb/d and is up 300 Kb/d from last year’s level. Gasoline demand rose 218 Kb/d to 8.84 Mb/d. Jet Fuel demand fell 74 Kb/d to 1.57 Mb/d. Total Product Demand fell 446 Kb/d to 20.3 Mb/d. Year-to-date, US Total Demand is now flat versus 2023. Gasoline demand year-to-date is up 0.1% from last year’s 8.86 Mb/d. 

WTI crude has retreated nearly US$7/b over the last few weeks as the war premium has subsided. Today WTI is at US$70.56/b, down US$1.18/b on the day due to the weak EIA data.

EIA Weekly Natural Gas Data

The natural gas report out last Thursday showed an increase in storage of 76 Bcf, with the largest rise in the South Central area at 29 Bcf. This compares to an injection of 97 Bcf last year and the 5-year average injection rate of 70 Bcf. Storage is now at 3.71 Tcf. US Storage is now 3.0% above last year’s level of 3.60 Tcf and is 4.6% above the five year average of 3.54 Tcf. The percent differences are clearly shrinking and when they go negative natural gas prices should rise materially. NYMEX is today priced at US$2.34/mcf. 

Natural gas demand should increase as winter approaches and US LNG plants complete their maintenance. In addition, the Matterhorn Express Pipeline should come on shortly and bring more Permian gas (up to 2.4 Bcf/d) to the Gulf coast LNG plants.  

We recommend buying the very depressed natural gas stocks during periods of market weakness. These stocks are very cheap now, as we see higher natural gas prices during Q4/24. We see much much higher gas prices in 2025 as quite a number of new LNG plants come onstream over the next 12 months; one in Canada and three in the US. In Canada the first train of LNG Canada comes on and in the US, Plaquemines LNG Phase 1 and Corpus Christi Stage 3 begin production of LNG. In 2025, Golden Pass LNG plans on bringing on the first two trains of this new three train export facility.

Baker Hughes Rig Data

In the data for the week ending October 18th, the US rig count saw a decrease of one rig to 585 rigs. Rig activity is now 6% below the level of 624 rigs last year. Of the total rigs working last week, 482 were drilling for oil and this is 3% below last year’s level of 502 rigs working. The natural gas rig count is down 16% from last year’s 118 rigs, now at 99 rigs. This decline in drilling and production should continue for a few more months as the industry wants to see natural gas inventories below average and for prices to recover and stay over US$3.00/mcf. Weak WTI prices should slow energy companies drilling plans for 2025 and maybe see them cut back drilling on lower productivity wells over the remainder of this year.

In Canada, there was a two rig decrease to 217 rigs but this is 10% above last year’s 198 rigs. Activity for oil is at 153 rigs compared to 121 last year or up by 26% as companies add production for the increase in export capacity via the TMX pipeline. Activity for natural gas is down 17% to 64 rigs compared to 77 last year. Condensate rich wells are the focus of this activity. The industry needs north of $2.50/mcf to see the economics attractive to drill dry gas wells. As we get closer to LNG Canada ramping up in Q4/24 and natural gas fills the Coastal GasLink pipeline, prices should lift. AECO prices are at uneconomic prices below $1.00/mcf and some of the days have seen negative pricing as storage nears capacity. More companies are shutting in dry natural gas wells. 

Energy Stock Market

The S&P/TSX Energy Index today is at 274, down 2 points from last week as energy stocks fell as crude prices weakened. Our downside target for this indicator is below 240 (range 230-240) and we see this happening in the coming weeks as crude tests recent lows. This would occur once the current war premium evaporates again. We like to BUY when stocks are cheap and being ignored which is now occurring. Bargains are clearly now our focus for new recommendations. 

Investors should decide what you want your energy weighting to be for this long energy super cycle. Our BUY List includes ideas from the Pipeline & Infrastructure area, Canadian oil and natural gas ideas, energy service ideas and companies working internationally. Our list includes large Conservative ideas and small to large caps in our Growth and Entrepreneurial categories. Add to your current ideas or add new ideas. We expect that WTI should lift above US$90/b in 2H/25 and demand should exceed supplies at that time. We see WTI prices above US$100/b consistently during 2026. 

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