Catch the Energy Conference

Save the Date for the Next Annual Schachter Energy Conference
Catch the Energy Saturday, October 18, 2025 at Calgary Mount Royal University
Conference Look-back 2024
About the Conference
This conference is a rare opportunity for active investors interested in the energy sector to interact directly with CEOs and other company executives as they share their corporate stories and answer audience questions in a moderated format. Usually, investors must attend numerous AGMs or spend hours online trying to pull all this information together.
Booth displays, showcasing the 45 participating companies, give attendees additional opportunities to meet companies’ officials, from energy producers, energy service companies, and infrastructure/pipeline companies to innovative technology and materials companies in the renewables space. It’s all here.
2024 Sponsors and Partners

Previous Years
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2019
- 2018
2023 Conference
We’re glad that so many of you joined us at this year’s ‘Catch The Energy’ conference in Calgary on Saturday October 14th. We started the day with the Premier speaking, and after my plenary Overview, the attendees went off to the presentations. We had 45 Presenters/Exhibitors versus 34 in 2022. A very nice treat was STEP Energy Services Ltd. which brought a frack unit and a control center for a coil-tubing unit for all to tour.
The Premier’s opening remarks were about optimism and the strides that have been made in supporting the energy industry. Just the day prior, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled against Bill C- 69 with five out of seven judges finding it unconstitutional. The beautiful Bella Hall at Mount Royal University was an amazing space to open the conference. Jodi Anhorn, the President and CEO of GLJ, the noted energy consulting group, opened the conference and introduced the speakers. The screen was enormous and the acoustics incredible. Josef delivered a thought-provoking speech and got a few laughs when he joked with long-time Birchcliff supporter, Dave Humphreys, who is retiring at the end of December 2023. Overall, there was a great ‘buzz’ again this year with people gathering and asking questions of the presenting CEOs and senior executives. The TMX interviewed several presenters for the TMX website and for the presenters to post on their own sites.
The Schachter team was so pleased to film the Market Opening of the TSX for Monday October 16th. Special thanks to STEP Energy Services for bringing state of the art equipment for conference attendees to tour. Left: This Command Center is one of the most technologically advanced coiled tubing units in North America today. Right: STEP’s Tier 4 DGB pump is a hydraulic fracturing pump that has been refurbished with a 2,500 horsepower Caterpillar Tier 4 Dynamic Gas Blending (DGB) engine. It is one of 16 pumps that make up STEP’s Tier 4 dual-fuel capable hydraulic fracturing fleet.